Organize short courses teach a personal and family budget, avoid debt and save You can plan your financial life and have peace Consultant acknowledges that success depends on each one, without miracles Helenice Laguardia financial education courses are increasingly popular and promising "miracle "in a few hours learning to manage money, get out of debt and save. But the truth is that there is no miracle: it all depends on the commitment of each, explains consultant Erasmo Vieira, Institute Disop, who taught another course area in Belo Horizonte. The revenue covers the four pillars of a healthy financial life: to diagnose the situation with making a monthly spreadsheet (table in photo gallery), realizing dreams in short, medium and long term, get out of debt and learn how to save spending less you win. Easy to some, impossible for others. "I've had great stories of people who changed their lives, some took action, others not," said the professor. In its course, like others in the same area, which everyone wants to know is how to get out of debt. The consultant Erasmo Vieira explained that you need to prioritize the debts with higher interest rates and do not forget the essential expenses such as water, gas and electricity, which must be paid. Still in the booklet of debt, is to require the exclusion of his name from the register of defaulters to negotiate the payment of debt, and always be aware of the debts that contains assets as collateral. "Note also the provision of debt negotiation will fit into your budget," warned Vieira. The marathon Juraci of Consolation Evangelista, 35, has no debts, but has dreams of going to college, buy a bike and control spending with monthly salary of about $ 1,000 and charged with receiving general services in a hospital. The daughter of farmers was a maid, nanny and has managed to finance a home. "I have won 55 trophies and has participated in two races of St. Sylvester," said Juraci that twice a week runs 10 km from work back home and train all week. With the same discipline, or have a life without financial scares. "It's good to take the course to be assiduous in the accounts does not depend on others and become financially independent."
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Organize short courses teach a personal and family budget, avoid debt and save You can plan your financial life and have peace Consultant acknowledges that success depends on each one, without miracles Helenice Laguardia financial education courses are increasingly popular and promising "miracle "in a few hours learning to manage money, get out of debt and save. But the truth is that there is no miracle: it all depends on the commitment of each, explains consultant Erasmo Vieira, Institute Disop, who taught another course area in Belo Horizonte. The revenue covers the four pillars of a healthy financial life: to diagnose the situation with making a monthly spreadsheet (table in photo gallery), realizing dreams in short, medium and long term, get out of debt and learn how to save spending less you win. Easy to some, impossible for others. "I've had great stories of people who changed their lives, some took action, others not," said the professor. In its course, like others in the same area, which everyone wants to know is how to get out of debt. The consultant Erasmo Vieira explained that you need to prioritize the debts with higher interest rates and do not forget the essential expenses such as water, gas and electricity, which must be paid. Still in the booklet of debt, is to require the exclusion of his name from the register of defaulters to negotiate the payment of debt, and always be aware of the debts that contains assets as collateral. "Note also the provision of debt negotiation will fit into your budget," warned Vieira. The marathon Juraci of Consolation Evangelista, 35, has no debts, but has dreams of going to college, buy a bike and control spending with monthly salary of about $ 1,000 and charged with receiving general services in a hospital. The daughter of farmers was a maid, nanny and has managed to finance a home. "I have won 55 trophies and has participated in two races of St. Sylvester," said Juraci that twice a week runs 10 km from work back home and train all week. With the same discipline, or have a life without financial scares. "It's good to take the course to be assiduous in the accounts does not depend on others and become financially independent."